Where did I go?

Hi Everyone…It’s been a while!

I haven’t posted a blog in over a month now, so I thought it was time to catch you all up on where I have been.

So far, 2018 has been an extremely eventful year and a bit of an emotional roller coaster as well. I have been crazy busy for the past while, hence why I haven’t written any blogs. It was a super stressful time in my life, even though I am very happy with where I am right now.

My family and I decided to move house back in 2017. However, we were said to move into the new house in February of 2018 in order to give enough time to finish all of the renovations. We packed our entire home and were ready to move, when we started to have a few little bumps in the road with the renovations. This led us to have to live in boxes for almost a month. I can’t even describe to you how frustrating that was. Living in boxes sucks. Not being able to find your socks in the morning was definitely annoying.

Not to mention, I used to live right next to all of my relatives and now we live about 30 minutes further. Let’s just say, no one took that too well… It was hard. Lots of tears were shed. Leaving your “hood” and your childhood home isn’t always the easiest to do.

On top of this giant change that took place in my life, my dog, Mia, passed away… I lost my best friend and it was honestly one of the hardest things I have ever gone through. The thought of moving house was extremely difficult to adjust to, but I always felt alright because I knew that I would have my best friend to help me through it. Unfortunately, she died 3 days before our original moving date, and 2 weeks before the day we actually ended up moving. I have cried nearly every day since then and I still cannot believe that she is gone. I miss her each and every day. She will forever be a part of our family. ❤


When going through this much stress and change, it was difficult for me to stay focused and concentrate. Due to this, I felt like my grades in school were dropping and if anyone knows me, they know that I am a huge overachiever. So I did not take this too well and this made me even more nervous than I already was.

On a brighter note, we have officially moved into our new place and we are genuinely loving every bit of it. The look, the feel, the energy, the location…everything has been incredible so far. We have never been happier! We are still somewhat living in boxes since unpacking and trying to find a home for everything does take a while. We are slowly getting organized, which is making us super excited!!

I’m not sure how often I will be posting on here yet because I still have a lot going on and unpacking our new home as well as all of my schoolwork is taking up a lot of my time. Although, I do have a lot of ideas that I am working on for near future so stay excited for that!!

Thank you for sticking with me and for reading this post!

Please let me know in the comments if you would like me to write more blog posts explaining anything more about my move, my dog, or any tips I have. I think I have definitely learned a lot about coping with change since 2018 began and I would love to share all of it with you. Let me know what you think 🙂

Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this post, please enter your email on the sidebar to subscribe to me and don’t forget to follow me on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest!

7 thoughts on “Where did I go?

  1. I’m really sorry about your dog! Losing a member of your family is unbarely, whether they have two legs or fours it’s not different! If you haven’t ever read it before check out The Rainbow Bridge poem, it’s lovely and might provide a bit of comfort 💜

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Same here this year is definitely a roller coaster ride. I’m so sorry about the little member of the family. Living the childhood house is the most difficult thing. I hope and pray that everything gets perfect ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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